Chop Wood, Carry Water

Today is MLK day. It just so happens to fall in line with the inauguration of our next president.
Honestly, my heart is in turmoil by what I see in today's news cycle and with American politics. I am glad that we had a leader that still can teach us so much about ourselves and how to love one another well.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
In a way these are small words. There aren't many of them, but they are powerful words. Words that take years to see, hear, understand and execute. I am still on that path.
I saw to a toot today:
I know that right now, I don't have the energy to "fight." I need to focus on the tasks at hand and to acknowledge the things that need to be done. My hope is to heal, move forward and to be able to fight another day.
Today I am thankful the reminder to do the daily work; chop wood, carry water.[^2] I am also thank for those that have come before us who tirelessly work for unification and brotherly love.
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